Financial Checklist


As we move into the fourth quarter of 2022, it’s time to start reviewing your finances. Here is a quick checklist of things to be thinking about as this year winds down.

  1. Review your spending from this year and begin creating a budget for next year!
    1. You may have a general idea of how much you spend on a month to month basis, but unless you are already a budget stickler, you may be surprised by just how much you spent in the past year. Review your spending and begin creating a budget for 2023, making sure to include wiggle room for unexpected costs.
    2. Half step: Use your budgeting tool or online banking to see how much you spent in 2022. Discuss the number with your spouse, partner, or financial advisor. Did this number surprise you?
  1. Create and contribute to an emergency fund.
    1. As the holiday season approaches, our finances can begin to feel stretched. Take some time to review your emergency fund needs and create a quick savings plan to make sure that you and your family can rest easy if you need sudden car repairs or a new fridge!
    2. Half step: Make a plan to pay off your credit card in the first quarter of the year. You will then have a fresh start and a safety net, just in case.
  1. Confirm your next appointment with your Financial Advisor.
    1. You should meet with your advisor at least once a year to review your investments, rebalance your portfolio to reflect your risk tolerance, update your beneficiaries and make sure your plan is still on track.
    2. Half step: Give us a call and check in. We’d love to chat with you and are happy to answer any questions you may have – no matter how big or small!
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